
This adult tricycle has a unique frame that has a low entry and low center of gravity for increased stability and ease of transfer. The seat has an adjustable backrest with lower back support and it has raised edges for comfort and lateral support. A quick-release lever allows you to easily adjust the seat height. The forward pedaling movement and the suspension in the frame ensure perfect riding comfort. The Easy Rider tricycle is extremely agile and has a small turning radius. It also easily fits through any standard door frame.

Also available with e-assist.

READ MORE : Mind, Body and Trike

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This adult tricycle has a unique frame that has a low entry and low center of gravity for increased stability and ease of transfer. The seat has an adjustable backrest with lower back support and it has raised edges for comfort and lateral support. A quick-release lever allows you to easily adjust the seat height. The forward pedaling movement and the suspension in the frame ensure perfect riding comfort. The Easy Rider tricycle is extremely agile and has a small turning radius. It also easily fits through any standard door frame.

Also available with e-assist.

READ MORE : Mind, Body and Trike

This adult tricycle has a unique frame that has a low entry and low center of gravity for increased stability and ease of transfer. The seat has an adjustable backrest with lower back support and it has raised edges for comfort and lateral support. A quick-release lever allows you to easily adjust the seat height. The forward pedaling movement and the suspension in the frame ensure perfect riding comfort. The Easy Rider tricycle is extremely agile and has a small turning radius. It also easily fits through any standard door frame.

Also available with e-assist.

READ MORE : Mind, Body and Trike