Bikes for gettin’ around

Discover our great collection of urban utility bikes - from commuters and comfort bikes, to vintage, cruisers and performance mountain bikes. We’ve got you covered with CANNONDALE, VAAST, BRODIE, BATCH and BROMPTON bikes. And best of all, we offer price points that will not break the bank. *Looking to buy two bikes? Ask us about our family volume discount program (extra savings)! 


NEW! Cannondale Quick CX3

$1,015.00 CAD


Brodie Tesla 2024

$1,075.00 CAD


Vaast Urban U1

$1,154.00) CAD One s/m left!


BRODIE Omega 1.1

$750.00 CAD (reg: $899) Limited quantity



Brodie Mega Tour

$2,499.00 CAD


Brodie Omega

$899.00 CAD


Batch Step-thru Comfort

$400.00 CAD (reg: $600)


BATCH Lifestyle Bike

$400.00 CAD (reg: $600) A PV bestseller!

BATCH Lifestyle

All-Season Commuter Special

$700.00 CAD (reg: $1,000)


Cannondale Adventure 2

$680.00 CAD (reg: $1,085)


Brodie Torque

$1,499.00 CAD

Tuesday - March 7 LS

$350.00 CAD (reg: $529.00)


Batch MTB Disc

$600.00 CAD (reg: $828) 


BATCH Urban Disc

$600.00 CAD (reg: $869)